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Where to place the cot ?:VAASTHU A SCIENCE OF ARCHITECTURE – Part -10


Part -10

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K.Vijaya Krishnarau

Where to place the cot ?

 The placement of the cot in the bedroom in the northeast should also be done with care. If the cot is in the east-west direction, the head should be towards the east. Under no circumstances, should one place his or her head towards the west, with his feet facing east. This is an insult to the sun god. It could lead to ill health and legal disputes with the government.

If the cot were in the south-north position, the head should be towards the south. Sleeping with the head towards the south will relieve one from chronic ailments. You will grow in stature in the eyes of the general public. Your enemies will give you less trouble. There will be clarity of thought. Your material wealth will increase. Why, even your enemy will become your friend! The same formula can be applied in the placement of cots in the other bedrooms. But do not place the cots in the northeastern or southeastern corners.

However, if there is no alternative to placing the cot in the southeastern direction, put something heavy, like, say, a closet, in the southwest corner. Or, like we mentioned before, provide a window in the northeast.

One question that most people like to ask is about where to place the closet/cupboard.

Facing east, in the southwestern corner, is the ideal location for the closet/cupboard. Facing north comes second best. Or, you could place it in the northwest, but facing east. By no means, however, place the closet in the northeast or the southeast corners. But the closet, where you store your clothes—the wardrobe—can be placed in the centre of the southeast-north location or anywhere in the centre of the south. Avoid the northeast at any cost.

Similarly, if there is a window, in the southwest, in a bedroom in the same direction, keep it closed. The reason: a window in this direction will not allow you keep your savings. The windows in other locations are fine. Also, remember, that even if your bedroom is in the southwest, it should be proportionate on all sides. No corner should protrude to form an extension.

It is not advisable to have pictures of gods in the bedroom of a married couple. If you do not have a separate pooja room, you could allot a cupboard/closet in the kitchen itself for this purpose. Under no circumstances should the pooja be located inside the bedroom.

Avoid using garish colours in the bedroom. In some houses the bedroom remains dark the whole day, with the curtains not being drawn even during daytime. This is a harmful practice. Should the windows be kept closed, for some reason, the curtains should be drawn to allow light to enter. Sunlight is a must for all rooms. It is like a battery-charger for all rooms and all buildings. The Vaasthu influence will be comparatively weak in a house where sunlight does not fall.

Those constructing houses, or those planning to buy apartments should keep one thing in mind. If the floor-level of the bedroom in the southwest is slightly higher than that of the other rooms, the inmates of the house/apartment will be the beneficiaries of Vaasthu’s bounties. Builders of apartments should be told in advance before construction begins.

We shall next study the location of the kitchen, and the good results it can fetch us, if it conforms to Vaasthu.

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For Vaasthu Consultation Contact: K.Vijaya krishnarau,

Phone Number: 98411 64648, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

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Posted by on May 15 2012. Filed under Bhakthi planet, English, Vaasthu, Vaasthu. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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