Saturday 22nd February 2025

தலைப்புச் செய்தி :


Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, G.Krishnarao.  Phone Number: 98411 64648

According to Vakya almanac, on October 8, Rahu transit in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo. According to Tirukanitha (Drik Panchang) Panchangam, on Monday, October 30th, Rahu-Ketu transits in Mercury saran (Support) and Ketu in Mars saran. Know what benefits will this Rahu-Ketu transit give to each zodiac sign people? Let’s see.

Mesha Rasi: Rahu in 12th is good for your rasi (zodiac sign). It will solve many problems. Credit will come due. It gets sixth house saaram (Strength). Unnecessary problem, legal cases will be solved. Not only that, janma guru will give you unexpected fortune. The Sixth house ketu will give good luck. Foreign travel and will give job opportunity in a foreign country. Ketu will solve the problem between husband and wife. He will give promotion, education degree. Henceforth Rahu Ketu will give great yoga.

Rishabam Rasi: Rahu sitting in 11th of your (Rasi) zodiac sign is Raja yoga. Those who have been wandering without knowing the way until now have found the right way. Now your journey will go smoothly. Money problems will be solved for those who sigh that they do not see money in their eyes. Will get help from superiors. Health problems will be solved. A child will be blessed. Ketu in the 6th will now move to Virgo, and you will get divine favor. The stalled industry will revive. Officers have a change of post.

Mithuna Rasi: Although Rahu is sitting in 10th of your Rasi (zodiac), career will slow down, but it will vary by partner. There is good progress in studies. You will buy a new house and a vehicle. You will get a government job. Some attention to health is required. Ketu in the 4th will delay the expected benefits. Mother’s health needs attention. Do not over speed while driving. Postpone the foreign travel. The house will change. Temperance is required in speech.

Kataka Rasi: Rahu sits in the 9th of your rasi sign. The debt problem will be solved completely. With the help of your father, the problems will go away. If there any legal case, there will be success. Life will be such that others will praise. You will get Governmental support. It will give a great change in work. Resentment in the fraternity will be removed. As Ketu enters the third house, fame and fortune will increase. There will be small trips. You will get support from an abroad people to start a business. You will easily achieve things that others cannot. Physical health needs attention. Avoid signing sureties even if you know them.

Simma Rasi: Rahu sits in 8th of your rasi. Though Ashtama Rahu, there is no fear. Due to Rahu sitting on the domain (Saran) of finance place, the outstanding debt is also collected. Job opportunity will be available. An obstructed marriage will happen. Brother has benefits. If there is a case, there will be success. Property matters need attention. Ketu occupying the second house will lead to futile disputes. Temperance is required in speech. Care should be taken to prevent mouth and throat problems. The confusion in the family will be resolved. Be careful with the most important words.

Kanni Rasi: Rahu sits in 7th of your rasi. Don’t be afraid. Although nothing major will be spoiled, some should be taken with caution. It will come to Janmathipathi saran and 10th house saran, therefore, you will get all success. You will get help from your friends. The misunderstanding in the family will be resolved. Marriage and children are blessed. There will be a chance to start a new business. Focus on your studies. Take care of father’s health. Ketu in Janma rasi tells you to be very, very careful. Health needs attention. Unnecessary problems will arise. Signing surety for others will give you a headache. Don’t take on too much debt unnecessarily.

Thula Rasi: Rahu in 6th for your rasi is very good. Your expectations will come true. Those who live in a rented house will move to their own house. There will be a foreign trip. Marriage and children will be blessed by divine grace. Due to Ketu in 12th house, health care needs to be taken very seriously. The case will be postponed. Don’t take unnecessary loans as your debt burden increases. Be careful while driving. Avoid unnecessary talking. There is a job change. Some will get government jobs.

Viruchigam Rasi: Rahu in 5th to your rasi will do some good. In general, if the Ashtamadhipathi is Mercury’s strength, health should be emphasized. The Money problem will be solved. Disputes in the family will also be resolved. Job opportunity will come. Some may experience displacement. Businessmen will have cash flow. Don’t borrow unnecessarily. Ketu is in the 11th house, due to divine favor, marriage will take place. Some are blessed with sons. Above all, be careful with your speech. It’s better to be quiet about anything.

Dhanu Rasi: Having Rahu in 4th house to your rasi will bring some benefits. An old vehicle will be replaced and some changes will be made in the house. Obstacles in education and career will be removed. Parental health needs attention. Litigation matters will occur. Be careful. There will be luxury expenses. House favors will be held. Due to Ketu in 10th house, you must take care in education. There will be a property dispute.

Makara Rasi: Rahu sits in the third house of your rasi. He will do good. There are unexpected successes. You will buy ornamental jewels. There a future? This question mark disappears. All troubles will vanish. A loss-making business will move towards profit. You will succeed in the exam. Especially the 3rd house Rahu gives yoga to the extent that it turns the soil into gold. The Younger brother will help. Ketu in the 9th house will try to spoil the fortune. Be careful about your father’s health. Don’t sign anything without reading it. Avoid wasteful expenditure.

Kumbha Rasi: Rahu sits in the second house of your rasi. Be very careful with anything. Problems in the family will be solved. Do not give money to anyone without any guarantee. Hard to get back. You are good at speaking. Good success in studies. You will win in the Competitions. Young married couple is blessed with children’s. Deity worship and going to temples will be more. Now is the right time to start a new business. Due to Ketu in the eighth house, care is needed in money transactions. Someone’s mistake will affect you by blaming you. If there is a problem in the health of your wife, it will be cured.

Meena Rasi: There is a possibility of legal problems and punishment due to Rahu is in your Janma rasi. Caution is required. There will be a problem with the government. Unable to keep the promises made so far, so unnecessary problems will arise. Family litigation matters can bring a lot of problems. Due to Ketu in 7th house, very careful attention is required. Some may live alone away from their families. Everything needs moderation. Even if Guru in 2nd house saves by divine grace, you should act calmly. Ketu in 7th house. That indicates that you should take care in health and driving.

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Posted by on Sep 28 2023. Filed under Astrology, Astrology, Bhakthi planet, English, Headlines, இராசி பலன்கள், கதம்பம், செய்திகள், ஜோதிடம், முதன்மை பக்கம். You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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