Saturday 22nd February 2025

தலைப்புச் செய்தி :

Who is the successful lawyer?

Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, Krishnarau VG.

Some of you may have a burning desire to be a successful lawyer. Some of you have consulted me to know whether the stars will bless your effort. However, a successful lawyer does not emerge out of a magician’s hat. It needs to be in your blood, that is, the Vak-sthanam in your horoscope should reveal whether you have the ability to make effective and persuasive arguments.

Not merely should you possess the capability to make persuasive speeches, but you must have the ability to indulge in a bit of theatrics, like speaking boldly, with appropriate hand gestures. For this, the Third House, the domain that gives one boldness and courage, should be powerful. Making bold speeches is not the only requisite. It should be combined with the luck to convert it into wealth. And for that, the Eleventh House must be auspicious, that is, conducive. Therefore, to be a successful lawyer, the Second, the Vak-sthanam, and the Third and Eleventh Houses should be powerful.

The resident planets of the Sixth, Eighth and Twelfth Houses should not be in the Vak-sthanam. Also, the Lord of the Vak-sthanam should not be in the Sixth, Eighth and Twelfth Houses. If that happens, and you become a lawyer, your arguments will be muddled and riddled with confusion. The successful lawyer will be able to outfox his opponent and leave him speechless, if Sevvai, Mars, or Surya, Sun, the residents, are in the Third House, the domain of courage.

Fine, now you have won the case. How successful was it financially?

Should not your income be proportionate with your ability as a lawyer? Yes, and for that, the Eleventh House, the Labha-sthanam, should be in the ascendant or the planets of the Second, Fifth and Ninth Houses, should take up residence there. Then you can be rest assured that fortune, in the form of good fees, will come knocking at your doors. These are the lawyers who make their living by arguments alone.

If Ketu is in the Tenth House and does not receive a favourable aspect, you cannot become a successful lawyer. You will be an adjournment lawyer, that is, one who earns money by getting the cases adjourned as much as possible. Your success will be limited.

I would say in conclusion that you will be a celebrity, much-sought-after lawyer, if the Second, Third and Eleventh Houses in your horoscope are powerful and without any malefic elements.

Also Read in TAMIL






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Posted by on May 5 2020. Filed under Astrology, Astrology, Bhakthi planet, English, Headlines, கட்டுரைகள், கதம்பம், செய்திகள், ஜோதிடம், முதன்மை பக்கம். You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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