Tuesday 4th March 2025

தலைப்புச் செய்தி :

Will another disaster hit on December?

Sri Durga Devi upasakar, Krishnarau VG.

I have seen a prediction made by an astrologer in newspaper articles, whatsapp etc.. that there will be another disaster this 20th December to the world. I have looked upon the planetary movements for 20th December. On the said date, 20.12.2020, it is Kumba rasi and Sadhya Nakshatram. Rahu in Rishabam, Sukhra and Kethu in Vrishikam, Surya and bhudan in Danush, Guru and shani in Makaram and Mars in Meenam.

Previously I predicted that, on 23rd March, the Guru is leaving Dhanus and entering into Makaram. I did mention that from that day onwards, there will be poisonous fever and viral infections.  The reason behind is due to the planetary positioning. SHANI, KETHU, GURU in the Dhanush and RAHU in the Mithunam. Since Guru leaves the Papa Grahas and gets ATHISARAM (Moved Forward)  on March 23rd, it started to affect ferociously.

Rahu is the reason for causing things like poisonous fever and dangerous infections. I have mentioned that in the month of June, this virus effect is gradually decreased, virus clusters will die and coronavirus problem will end.

Now talking about this, on 20.12.2020 from Vrihchikam till Meenam, there are many planets standing in a row. This is called GRAHA-MAALIKA YOGAM. Moreover, the Guru is neecham in Makaram and Shani unites with the Guru. This is NEECHA-BANGA RAJA-YOGAM.

The Surya and Bhudha are in Danushu attaining the BUDA-ADITYA YOGAM. The poisonous planet RAHU in Rishaba is being aspected by the Guru in the 5th house, therefore the Rahu cannot perform any more disaster or bad things.

Therefore, need not worry about any disaster happening in the month of December. The disaster and havoc, causing planet Rahu is being aspected by Guru making it peaceful. Hence, in my research, on 20.12.2020 the planetary positions are favoring us and will not cause any harm to us.

On 20.12.2020 is in RAHU DASA AND SHANI BUDDHI. The buddhi Nathan (Bhudhi planet lord) Shani joins with Guru and becomes calm. The Guru aspects the Dasa Nathan (Dasa planet lord) Rahu putting them at ease.  Hence, there will be no more harm due to the Dasa Nathan, RAHU and the Buddi Nathan SHANI. So, need not fear and I pray to Ambal for good things to happen and let her show up on her blessing to each and every one of us.







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For Astrology Consultation Contact: Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, Krishnarau VG.  Phone Number: 98411 64648, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India




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Posted by on Apr 12 2020. Filed under Astrology, Astrology, Bhakthi planet, English, Headlines, கதம்பம், செய்திகள், முதன்மை பக்கம். You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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