Heavy Rain: Regression of Venus (VAKRA SUKRA) from 30.05.2015 to 30.09.2015
Sri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau.
On 30.05.2015 Sukhran goes to Kataka rasi (cancer). Due to this, the possibility of heavy rain is foreseen.
On 05.07.2015 Sukhran (Venus) is going to Simha rasi (lion zodiac). Again on 13.08.2015, Sukra (Venus) is going to travel backwards (in reverse) from Simha rasi to Kataka rasi. Then after, on 30.09.2015 Sukra enters into Simha rasi from Kataka rasi. Henceforth, from 30.05.2015 till 30.09.2015, not only in Tamilnadu but also in many other places, there will be heavy rain down pouring. Venus will also be the reason for the cause of floods at some places.
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