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Rahu-Ketu Transit Predictions 2014-2015 (Rahu-Ketu Peyarchi)

Rahu ketu 2014 englishSri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau.Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau. Phone Number: 98411 64648, Chennai

According to the Thiruganitha panchangam, an almanac based on the Vedas, Rahu-Ketu peyarchi, movement, is slated to take place on Twelfth July 2014. Of the nine grahas, planets, in Indian astrology, seven have the tendency to move forward. Rahu and Ketu, however, are the odd ones out: they move backwards. Accordingly, on 12th July 2014, Rahu moves from Tula rasi, Libra, to Kanni, Virgo, while Ketu, who is in Mesha rasi, Aries,moves to Meena, Pisces.

There are two almanacs guiding our astrological system, Vaakiya panchangam and Thiruganitha panchangam. Most astrologers, though, prefer to use Thiruganitha panchagam for studying horoscopes. According to the Vaakiya panchangam, Rahu-Ketu transit took place on 21st June 2014. However, according to the Thiruganitha panchangam, the peyarchi, transit, is slated for 12th July 2014.

That Rahu gives first and then spoils, while Ketu will first destroy and then help you, is an astrological axiom. In other words, if Rahu does something good to somebody at the beginning of Rahu dasa, he takes away whatever he has given towards the end of his (Rahu) dasa. In contrast, Ketu,who plunges a person into all kinds of sorrows and difficulties during the course of Ketu dasa, converts these (sorrows and difficulties) into a learning experience by putting the individual on the path of progress towards the end of his (Ketu) dasa. That is why astrology rightly says that Rahu gives first and then spoils, while Ketu will first destroy and then help you.

So, we will now examine what the forecast is during, Rahu-Ketu peyarchi, transit, for all those who come under the twelve rasis: for whom this indicates an outstanding period, and for whom it foretells trouble.

meshamMesha rasi/Aries: Ketu will be moving into the Twelfth house from your rasi, backed by the strength (saaram) of Bhudha, Mercury. Since Guru, Jupiter, aspects Ketu, it is a golden period for you hereafter. And, since Ketu is backed by the strength (Saaram) of Bhudha, the lord of the Third/Sixth house, whatever you touch will turn into gold. Your debts, litigation, etc. will simply vanish. Auspicious events will take place in the family. Rahuis moving into the Sixth house, where he is backed by the strength of Sevvai, Mars, who is the lord of the First/Eighth house. Therefore, a sudden money-inflow is foreseen. As Rahu is backed by the strength of Sevvai, you have the yogam, fortune, of buying a piece of land or a house. However, you have to be a bit careful about your health. You will attain financial prosperity.

rishabamRishaba/Taurus: Ketu moves into the Eleventh house from your rasi, backed by the strength (saaram) of Bhudha, Mercury. Since this strength comes from the lord of the Second/Fifth house, your word will be law. Problems in the family will end. A matrimonial alliance will come through. Hereditary property, entangled in litigation, if any, will come to hand. Rahu, on the other hand, moves to the Fifth house, which is strengthened by Sevvai, Mars, the lord of the Seventh/Twelfth house. He will bestow on you an overseas job. However, you might become short-tempered. So, you are advised to exercise restraint/patience. You can expect some benefits through your friends. Industrial sector will progress. The childless will have puthra-baghyam, issue. You will get a high post.

mithunamMithuna/Gemini: Ketu moves into the Tenth house from your rasi, deriving strength (saaram) from Bhudha, the lord of the First/Fourth house. Guru, Jupiter, aspects the Tenth-house Ketu. Therefore, a business/industry, which had folded up, will be revived. Jobs will come in search of those desperately looking for good employment opportunities. Financial-inflow will be very good. Rahumoves to the Fourth house, strengthened by Mangal, (Mars), the lord of the Sixth/Eleventh house. Therefore, you are advised to be careful while driving/riding/travelling. Also, you have to be extra-cautious in the matter of buying land or a house. You also have to be careful about poking your nose into others’ affairs, especially in the matter of standing surety for them.

kadagamKataka/Cancer: Ketu moves into the Ninth house from your rasi, deriving strength (saaram) from Bhudha, the lord of the Third/Twelfth house. Since Guru, Jupiter, aspects Ketu, he will keep your expenditure under control. He will also shower on you wealth and comforts. With your courage, you will emerge victorious in everything. Rahumoves to the Third house, strengthened by Sevvai, Mars, the lord of the Fifth/Tenth house. Therefore, your loan problems will end. Business/industry will flourish. You will get governmental-support. Benefits will come in search of you. Some of you will make profits in the share-market. An auspicious event will take place in the family.

SimamSimha/Leo: Ketu will be moving into the Eighth house from your rasi, backed by the strength (saaram) of Bhudha, Mercury, the lord of the Second/Eleventh house. Ashtama Ketu is going to shower abundance/prosperity on you. Ketu, who has so far not been very helpful to you, will, now, because of Guru’s aspect, bestow on you a life of happiness. Rahumoves to the Second house, strengthened by Sevvai, Mars, the lord of the Fourth/Ninth house. Therefore, get rid of your restlessness/anxieties. Also, stop being short-tempered. Be calm and patient. Dhana Rahu will arrange a matrimonial match. He will make others sing your praises. Litigation, if any, will end. You will lead an influential life.

kanniKanni/Virgo: Ketu will be moving into the Seventh house from your rasi, backed by the strength (saaram) of Bhudha, Mercury, the lord of the First/Tenth house. Since Guru, Jupiter, aspects Ketu, he will bring about a change of location. You will get a transfer and promotion too. Diseases and ailments will disappear. An auspicious event will take place in the family. Your loan problems will ease somewhat. Janma-Rahu is strengthened by Sevvai, Mars, the lord of the Third/Eighth house. Therefore, your journeys will increase. Your expenditure too will increase. Please ensure that your educational career is not disrupted. Try to prevent clashes in the family by talking to them. Still, silence is best. Unexpected benefits will come your way.

ThulamTula/Libra: Ketu will be moving into the Sixth house from your rasi, backed by the strength (saaram) of Bhudha, Mercury, the lord of the Ninth/Twelfth house. Since Guru, Jupiter, aspects Ketu, your workload will increase. You will have to work hard. You have to be careful with your higher officials. Also, you have to take care of your health. Rahumoves to the Twelfth house from your rasi, strengthened by Sevvai, Mars, the lord of the Second/Seventh house. Therefore, financial-inflow is foreseen. A wedding will take place. You will gain benefits through your wife. Long-distance travel is also foreseen. Some of you will have the yogam, fortune, of getting an overseas job. Rahu, sitting in the Twelfth house, will shower yogams, fortunes, on you.

viruchigamVrischikam/Scorpio: Ketu will be moving into the Fifth house from your rasi, backed by the strength (saaram) of Bhudha, Mercury, the lord of the Eighth/Eleventh house. Guru, Jupiter, aspects the Fifth-house Ketu. He will, therefore, shower unexpected yogams, fortunes, on you. He will also enable the conduct of auspicious events in the family, provide employment opportunities, and help you make profits in industry/business. Rahumoves to the Eleventh house from your rasi, strengthened by Sevvai, Mars, the lord of the First/Sixth house. Though, he is sitting in Labham, the domain of profit, Rahu will make you a debtor, that is, you will be forced to take loans. You have to take care of your health too. Please avoid enmity. Patience should be your watchword. Please be careful while driving/riding/travelling.

ThanusuDhanush/ Sagittarius: Ketu will be moving into the Fourth house from your rasi, backed by the strength (saaram) of Bhudha, Mercury, the lord of the Seventh/Tenth house. Since Guru, Jupiter, aspects Ketu, obstacles to marriage will be removed. You will be able to get a piece of land or a house. You will be able to pursue higher studies. Visits of relatives will increase. Rahumoves to the Tenth house from your rasi, strengthened by Sevvai, Mars, the lord of the Fifth/Twelfth house. Therefore, expenditure on your children will increase. Increase in journeys is also forecast. Business/industry will make you spend more. Employees will have to work hard/exert themselves. Still, the rewards will be equal to the troubles you have undergone. You will gain benefits through your overseas contacts.

makaramMakara/Capricorn: Ketu will be moving into the Third house from your rasi, backed by the strength (saaram) of Bhudha, Mercury, the lord of the Sixth/Ninth house. Guru, Jupiter, aspects Ketu. Whatever you touch will turn into gold. Debts and litigation, if any, will disappear like the mist. You have the yogam, fortune, of buying property. Some of you will inherit property. Money will come in search of you. Rahumoves to the Ninth house from your rasi, strengthened by Sevvai, Mars, the lord of the Fourth/Eleventh house. Therefore, you will have to guard against disruption to your educational career. Employees and businessmen/industrialists can expect only slow progress. Favourable circumstances will be created for some of you to get a job abroad.

kumbamKumbha/Aquarius: Ketu will be moving into the Second house from your rasi, backed by the strength (saaram) of Bhudha, Mercury, the lord of the Fifth/Eighth house. Since Guru, Jupiter, aspects Ketu, your word will be respected. Problems in the family will end. Auspicious events will take place. All your troubles will vanish. Rahumoves to the Eighth house from your rasi, strengthened by Sevvai, Mars, the lord of the Third/Tenth house. Therefore, your friends will come forward to help you. Employment opportunities will knock at your door. A struggling business enterprise will get a new lease of life and see progress. A long-dragging litigation that has been has been spoiling your peace of mind will come to a close. Financial-inflow will be good.

MeenamMeenam/Pisces: You have Janma-Ketu, that is, Ketu will be moving into your Janma rasi itself, backed by the strength (saaram) of Bhudha, Mercury, the lord of the Fourth/Seventh house. Since Guru, Jupiter, also aspects Ketu, your touch will turn even sand into gold. Your worries will end. Ailments and diseases will disappear. Auspicious events, like marriage, will take place. Visits by relatives will increase. Rahumoves to the Seventh house from your rasi, strengthened by Sevvai, Mars, the lord of the Second/Ninth house. Therefore, employment opportunities will be excellent, while business will prosper. Some of you will get high posts. This Rahu-Ketu peyarchi will help you get rid of all sorrows and sufferings and enable you to lead a prosperous life.

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