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What the Stars have in store for you in 2014

horoscope 2014Sri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau.Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau. Phone Number: 98411 64648, Chennai

Our hearty greetings for a happy and prosperous 2014!

The New Year falls on a Wednesday, which, as the saying goes, is more precious than gold. The year blossoms in Dhanush rasi, Kanni lagna and Moola nakshatra. This New Year will bring prosperity to our people.

Here are some salient points of the New Year:

] Mars/Sevvai, the resident of the Third-Eighth house, is in the lagna of the New Year.

] Rahu is sitting in the Dhana sthanam with an exalted Sani/Saturn.

] Surya/Sun, Bhudha/Mercury and Chandra/Moon are in the Suka sthanam.

] Sukra/Venus is in the Fifth house. Ketu is in the Eighth house, while Guru/Jupiter is in the Tenth house.

The configuration of planets heralds a New Year that has three specialties/yogams.

* Gejakesari yogam: since Guru aspects the Moon, in the Fourth house.

* Chandramangala yogam: as Sevvai also aspects the Fourth house.

* Bhudha Adityaya yogam: jointly conferred by Bhudha and Surya.

The net result of these yogams is that the New Year will shower gold and other bounties on our people. The educational sector, particularly, will receive a huge impetus. Since Sani aspects Ketu, problems posed by other countries, especially by our hostile neighbours, will come down considerably. And, as Guru, the Lord of the Fourth-Seventh house, is in the Tenth house, the prospects are bright for good economic growth and bountiful harvests.

Sukra, the Lord of the Second-Ninth house, is in the Fifth house, which indicates great yogam/prosperity in the field of arts. Sukra’s presence in the Fifth house also ensures that artistic materials fetch good profits. Women will continue to advance and achieve. There will be no water problem either. However, as Ketu is in the Eighth house, some areas might be affected by diseases. Still, as the sum total of the year is seven (2+0+1+4=7), a number associated with an exalted Ketu, the people, in general, will turn more towards God and religion. This inclination towards God will keep diseases at bay.

Sevvai in Kanni, Virgo, can dry up even the sea, goes the popular saying. Therefore, it is quite possible that needless problems will crop up on our shores through the seas. These problems might be handled properly through the machinery of the government.

In general, 2014 promises to be an excellent year, one that we could feel proud of.

Since the New Year begins on a Wednesday, readers are advised to begin the day by mentally worshipping Lord Vinayaka, followed by a prayer to Perumal (Lord Vishnu). This will ensure that, with the Lord’s grace, good things will happen throughout the year.

On New Year’s Day, you are advised to worship your Ishta deivam, favourite deity, at a temple near your residence. It is also advisable that you buy sugar as the first purchase of the year. The reason: sweet is a special item of worship. It would also ensure that you earn the grace of Sri Mahalakshmi.

All your prayers will be answered in the New Year. May the New Year spread joy and happiness! May you celebrate the New Year with your family!

Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous 2014!

What the stars foretell for your individual rasi in 2014

meshamMesha rasi/Aries: This is a year of yogam, that is, a lucky year for you. Ketu is in the janma rasi, while Guru is in the Third house. Sevvai is in the Sathru sthanam, the domain of all things negative, while Sani and Rahu are in the Seventh house. Surya, Bhudha and Chandra are in the Bhagya sthanam, the house of fortune. Sukra is in the Tenth house.

Sevvai subdues Ketu with his mere look in Mesha, the janma rasi. You will, therefore, amass wealth. It also confers on you the yogam, fortune, of being able to buy a piece of land or a house. The unmarried will get a chance to marry. There will be good progress in business/industry. Auspicious events will take place in the family, since Sukra, the Kutumbadhipathi, the overlord of the family, is in the Tenth house. However, avoid needless talk and keep away from controversies, because Sevvai is in the Sixth house. At times, you might have to spend on medical bills. Still, this is a very lucky year for you. All good things will come in search of you.

rishabamRishaba/Taurus: This is a year of dhana labham, money inflow, for you. Ketu is in the house of Vrayam, loss, while Guru is in the Dhana sthanam, the domain of wealth. Sevvai is in the Fifth house. Sani and Rahu are in the Sixth house, while Surya, Bhudha and Chandra are in the Eighth house. Sukra is in the Bhagya sthanam.

Guru, the labhadhipathi, is in the Second house, which means that money will come in search of you. The combination of the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth residents, combining to take up residence in the Eighth house, ensures that you will achieve what you wish. In fact, the combination of four overlords in one house, the Eighth, is excellent. Guru, the labhadhipathi, aspects all the four overlords, namely, the Giver of Wealth/Dhanadhipathi, the Giver of Fame/Keerthi, the Giver of Comfort/Sukhadhipathi and the Panchamadhipathi. (Bhudha/Mercury is the Lord of the Second and Fifth houses). In fact, you are slated to attain a higher status in life.

Industrial/business ventures will expand. The unmarried will start a family of their own. The childless will be blessed with issue. Litigation, if any, will end in your favour. You might secure employment abroad. However, you have to be careful while driving/riding. That apart, a golden year for you.

mithunamMithuna/Gemini: Your wishes will be fulfilled this year. Guru is in the janma rasi, while Sevvai is in the Sukha sthanam. Sani and Rahu are in the Panchama sthanam, the Fifth house. Bhudha, Surya and Chandra are in the Seventh house. Sukra is in the Eighth house. Ketu is in the Labha sthanam. Lord Rama, who went to the forests in exile, had Guru in His janma rasi, it is said. However, in your case, it must be pointed out that those who oppose you will go into exile. The reason: Surya, who belongs to the Third house, will confer fame.

Job opportunities will come in search of you. Businesses/industries, which have been shut down or are unsteady, will be revived. Friends will come to your place to offer assistance. However, as Sukra is in the Eighth house, you will have to think and act patiently in matters related to marriage. And, since Ketu is in Eleventh house, you will have the good fortune of going on a pilgrimage. Litigation, if any, regarding ancestral property, will end in your favour. In short, this is a year of achievements for you.

kadagamKataka/Cancer: This year, you will have the Midas’ touch: whatever you touch will turn into gold. Sevvai is in the Keerthi sthanam, the House of Fame, while Sani and Rahu are in the Suka sthanam. Surya, Chandra and Bhudha are in the Roga sthanam, the House of health: both physical and financial. Sukra is in the Seventh house, Ketu is in the Tenth house, while Guru aspects the Suka sthanam.

You will be able to buy a house, a piece of land, why, even a garden or an orchard! Diseases and ailments will vanish. Auspicious events will take place in the family. Matrimonial alliances will come in search of your children. Enmities will end. Your debts will disappear. Job opportunities will arise. Men will gain financially from the wife’s side. However, avoid giving surety. Loans, given by you that you had almost given up as lost, will be returned. Ensure that your educational career does not face any obstacles. You might have some vrayam, needless expenses. Use the money, instead, for auspicious purposes. In general, as pointed out earlier, this is a year in which you can turn even sand into gold.

SimamSimha/Leo: This year could be termed as a period of achievements for you. Sevvai is in the Dhana sthanam, Sani and Rahu are in the Third house. Surya, Bhudha and Chandra are in the Fifth house, while Sukra is in the Sathru sthanam. Ketu is in the Bhagya sthanam and Guru in the Labha sthanam.

As Sevvai, the Bhagyadhipathi/the giver of fortune, is in the Dhana sthanam, you will never be short of money this year. Rahu will bestow on you name and fame. As Guru aspects the Poorvapunya sthanam, you could receive governmental benefits and also be popular among the people. Householders will, in general, act in a way that the family feels proud of them. Education, business/industry and employment will be to your satisfaction. However, since Sevvai aspects the Eighth house, you will have to control your emotions, especially your temper. Your word will be law, as Guru aspects the Vak sthanam, the domain of speech. Your speech will have the effect of controlling/mesmerizing others. This is also a year of marriage.

kanniKanni/Virgo: This is a year of ups and downs for you. Sevvai is in the janma rasi. Sani and Rahu are in the Dhana sthanam. Surya, Bhudha and Chandra are in the Sukha sthanam. Sukra is in the Fifth house, Ketu in the Eighth house, while Guru is in the Tenth house.

The combination of Janma Sevvai and Ezhara Aandu Sani, Saturn’s Seven-and-a-half-years, will create problems for you off and on. You will incur needless expenditure. However, since Sevvai aspects the Seventh house, a much-delayed wedding will take place. Obstacles to education will also be removed. Your higher education will be on course. Your debts will spiral out of control. You will have to be careful with litigation. Even friends could turn into foes. You should take care of your health too. You might have to borrow for your business ventures. Kindly be cautious in what you say. Nevertheless, Guru’s aspect will put an end to misunderstandings in the family. You will also buy a piece of land. Kindly remember that patience always wins.

ThulamTula/Libra: This New Year can be termed as a year of positive growth for you. You have janma Sani and janma Rahu, in the sense that both these planets are sitting in the janma rasi. Surya, Bhudha and Chandra are in the Keerthi sthanam, the House of Fame. Sukra is in the Suka sthanam, while Ketu is in the Seventh House. Guru is in the Bhagya sthanam, while Sevvai is in Vrayam, the House of Negatives/loss.

Janma Sani will invite needless controversies and problems. However, due to the grace of Guru, a way out will be found for these problems. Wealth and comforts will come in search of you. Your actions will earn you name and fame. You have the yogam/fortune of buying a house and vehicle. Your educational career will be bright. However, you have to be careful with your friends. You have the bhagyam, fortune, of going abroad. You will get governmental assistance. Certain much-delayed auspicious events in the family will take place. Caution and patience should be your watchword, due to the configuration of the Twelfth and Eighth houses. These two virtues will ensure success in the coming year.

viruchigamVrischikam/Scorpio: This is a good year for you. Surya, Bhudha and Chandra are in the Dhana sthanam, the House of Wealth. Sukra is in the Keerthi sthanam, the Domain of Fame. Ketu is in the Sixth house, while Guru is in the Eighth house. Sevvai is in Labham, Profit, while Sani and Rahu are in Vrayam, Negative.

Dhana labham, wealth, will come in search of you. Your word will be respected. Auspicious events, like marriage, will take place in the family. There will be a new arrival, a baby, in the family. Your loan problems will end. You will buy a piece of land or a house. Agriculture will be profitable. You can make a fortune in real estate too. Job opportunities will come in search of you. Vrayam/loss is also foreseen. You have to be careful in matters concerning surety and litigation. You should also take care of your health and the health of the members of your family. Your dreams will come true. You might have to travel a lot. In general, this is a very good year for you.

ThanusuDhanush/ Sagittarius: Whatever you think will happen from the beginning of the New Year. Surya, Chandra and Bhudha are in the janma rasi. Sukra is in the Dhana sthanam. Ketu is in the Fifth House, while Guru is in the Seventh house. Sevvai is in the Tenth house. Rahu and Sani are in Labham, Profit.

Need we ask for more, with this kind of configuration? You will get whatever you desire. Your word will be law, in the sense that whatever you say will happen. Your family will get all it needs. Auspicious events will take place. Your loan problems will end. Obstacles to marriage will disappear. Job opportunities, overseas travel, progress in business/industry are all foreseen. Friends will help you. Unexpected dhana labham, money flow, is also foreseen. However, Ketu, in the Fifth house, will act as a speed-breaker. Ensure that your status/dignity does not suffer. Things could go out of hand, due to your short temper and your impulsive behaviour. This is a year in which you have a chance to earn much praise. An excellent year.

makaramMakara/Capricorn: The coming year will be a mixed bag, that is, a combination of profit and loss. Sukra is in the janma rasi, while Ketu is in the Suka sthanam. Guru is in the Sixth house, while Sevvai is in the Bhagya sthanam. Sani and Rahu are in the Tenth house, while Surya, Bhudha and Chandra are in Vrayam, loss.

You should take care of your health. So too, you should take care of your educational career. Please be cautious while driving/riding/travelling. Sevvai, in the Bhagya sthanam, will ensure you a house or a piece of land. Business/industry will receive a fresh stimulus. At the same time, some expenditure/losses are foreseen. Part of this expenditure will be towards subha vrayam, that is, for auspicious purposes. Please be affectionate with your family members. Also do not poke your nose in matters that do not concern you. And please act with restraint. A way out will be found to tackle your debts. You might get governmental benefits. Ensure that you do not lose your gold and other material assets. New ventures will fetch dividends. Patience and silence will guarantee success.

kumbamKumbha/Aquarius: Fortune will knock at your doors this New Year, and so will it be for the entire year. Ketu is in the Keerthi sthanam, while Guru is in the Fifth house. Sevvai is in the Eighth house, while Sani and Rahu are in the Bhagya sthanam. Bhudha, Surya and Chandra are in the Labha sthanam. Sukra is in the Twelfth house.

This configuration of planets indicates a high luck factor, yogam. Your actions will earn you praise/fame. Your wishes will be fulfilled. Sevvai, the Lord of the Third house, sitting in the Eighth house, will ensure Dhana labham, financial flow, job opportunities, job promotions and marriage. Litigation will end. Even your enemies will submit before you. Overseas business will bring immediate success. Higher education is also indicated. You will amass property and other material comforts, with the blessings of your parents. There will be no shortage either of entertainment and leisure trips. In general, this will be a year in which your desires will be satisfied.

MeenamMeenam/Pisces: The New Year will turn out to be a good year for you. Sri Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and Victory, will shower Her riches on you. Luck, yogam, will favour you on many occasions. Whatever you touch will turn into gold.

Though Ketu is in the Dhana sthanam, Guru is in the Suka sthanam, and Sevvai in the Seventh house. Sani and Rahu are in the Eighth house, while Surya, Chandra and Bhudha are in the Tenth house. Sukra is in the Labham, Profit.

A combination of planets in the Jeevana sthanam means a huge fortune. House, vehicle and an estate/garden, all these and more are the result of this yogam. Gold and other material objects will come to hand. Wishes will be fulfilled. Plans will succeed. You will do well in business, as well as in employment. Health will be normal, due to Guru’s grace. Your children will enter into matrimony. Tiredness and fatigue will be a thing of the past. Worries and anxiety will end. Enemies will bow in submission. In general, the New Year confers fortune, yogam.

Our best wishes.

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