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Is it possible to live in this world, free from any disease? No, is the answer, considering that we are living in a world, which is more polluted than at anytime since it came into being. In a fast world, people have no time for patience and calm. That is why we jump the queue, whether at the petrol bunk, ATM booth, in a word, everywhere. Our behaviour, our nature itself, has now been conditioned to act fast, so much that this disease of impatience has begun to afflict both elders, as well as youngsters. Tension is the first step to getting diseases. Tension leads to blood pressure (BP), which in turn leads to diabetes.

As I mentioned earlier, diabetes is not something peculiar to older people, even youngsters are being affected by it now. Though food habits play a large part in diseases, stress—caused by the state of our mind—too has a major role. Some ignorant of this complain: “I am very choosy about what I eat, still how did I get this disease?” All that the doctor can say is: “Somebody in your family could be having diabetes. Also, stress can lead to heart ailments or to diabetes. One of these factors could be the cause of your disease.”

Take your medicines without fail and on time, as advised by your doctor. Likewise, a regulated diet at the proper time is imperative.

Tropical Amaranth (SiruKeerai)

Greens play a vital role in a healthy diet. They also take the frontal position in our fight against diseases. Tropical Amaranth (Amaranthus polygonoides), Sirukeerai, in Tamil, should form part of your lunch on alternate days. Sirukeerai, according to nature cure experts, can keep diabetes under control. 

Sirukeerai will reduce the level of glucose in the blood. It also helps the pancreas/liver to regenerate the cells to produce insulin naturally.

It is quite possible that some of the food items on our menu are toxic. “I eat this food daily, then how is it that it has suddenly become poisonous?” you might wonder. Well, today is not like yesterday, and tomorrow could be unlike today. Things keep changing rapidly, and anything is possible. So it is for life and so it is for the body. Here too sirukeerai does its part. It has the potential to remove the toxins in our system.

Similarly, Tropical Amaranth is a potent force in warding off constipation. This is despite the fact that there are many remedies to prevent constipation. Constipation, it is well known, is the mother and father of many illnesses. Disease-causing germs proliferate in such conditions. Consumption of Sirukeerai will ensure that we never suffer from constipation. We know that irregular, infrequent or difficult evacuation of bowels is the cause of disease. Regular bowel movement, at least, once a day will ensure bodily health, and keep diseases at bay, for, as I mentioned earlier, constipation is the cause of many complications in the body.

Coming back to diabetes, eat Tropical Amaranth on alternate days for sixty days. You could add it to your diet or prepare a soup out of it. If you do this, as instructed, a blood test will reveal that your blood sugar is under control.  

Of course, almost everyone knows how to cook sirukeerai. And, in the unlikely event that you don’t, here is the method. Take out the leaves with the stem and chop them into small bunches. Before cooking, wash them well to remove traces of mud and pesticides. Fry, in ten ml of ghee, tur dhal (a spoonful), ginger, garlic, and onions. Also fry a pinch each of mustard, rock salt, asafoetida, and pepper and cumin seeds. To this mixture, add the greens and cook.

Do not add too much water, only so much as is required to cook the leaves. Once cooked, eat it with your regular lunch. You’ll gradually discover that your diabetes is under control. Even those who do not have diabetes can eat sirukeerai. If you do so, your chances of contacting diabetes are almost zero. Sirukeerai, tropical amaranth, is truly nature’s gift to humanity.

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