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தலைப்புச் செய்தி :

Obstacles to marriage /Mangal Dosha

Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau.

Generally, most of those who send me mail or those who meet me in person, ask me just one question. “When will my son/daughter get married? When would the obstacles to the marriage disappear?”

There could be a number of graha doshams, planetary afflictions, that stand in the way of a person getting married. However, the usual suspects are only two: 1. Sevvai dosham, that is an afflicted Mars or 2. The infamous Kalasarpa dosham.

I shall deal with (mangal dosha)Sevvai dosham now and take up the subject of Kalasarpa dosham on a later occasion. What is Sevvai dosham? What are the consequences that flow from this dosham?

A girl or a boy is stated to suffer from Sevvai dosham, if Sevvai, Mars, is in the 2/4/7/8 or the 12th house of a horoscope. Also, it is a well-established astrological axiom that only another horoscope with Sevvai dosham will suit the horoscope of a bride or groom suffering from the same affliction.

This is more or less what medical science says about blood groups. If a person’s blood group is O Positive, and he needs blood transfusion, you should give him only O Positive blood. In other words, if a person has Sevvai dosham, he can hope to enjoy a happy wedded life only if he/she marries somebody with Sevvai dosham.

There are, however, several exceptions to this rule. For instance, this dosham is stated to be inoperative if Sevvai, Mars, is in the following Rasis: Mesha (Aries), Karka (Cancer), Vrushchika (Scorpio), and Makara (Capricorn). Equally, it is inapplicable if Guru, Jupiter, is with Mars. The reason: Mesha and Vrushchika are in Mars’ domain, while Mars is powerful in Makara and debilitated/weak in Karka. Therefore, it can be boldly said that even if Mars is occupying/aspecting these houses, there can be no Sevvai dosham, since they belong to the above-mentioned Rasis.

Much the same way, the Sevvai dosham is inoperative, if Mars is with Guru in the 2nd/4th/7th/8th/12th house.

Readers are, therefore, advised not to reject a horoscope, which is ostensibly afflicted by Sevvai dosham. They should not reject a horoscope outright, but consider these mitigating factors.

I sincerely offer my prayers to Lord Subrahmanya/Muruga, the Lord of Mars, for wedding bells to peal in your family.

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For Astrology Consultation Contact: Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau.

Phone Number: 98411 64648, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

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Posted by on May 9 2012. Filed under Astrology, Astrology, Bhakthi planet, English, Headlines, Home Page special. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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