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Happy Family Life for Women;VAASTHU A SCIENCE OF ARCHITECTURE – Part 6

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by Vijay KrisshnaRau

If the building is facing east, the main entrance at the northeastern corner is very propitious to men. Whether they are involved with the government or engaged in trade, economic prosperity and friends in influential circles are indicated. If the entrance, for some reason, cannot be put up in the northeast corner, then it could be located in the north-centre or the east-centre. Benefit-wise, this would necessarily mean hard work even to achieve small goals, but at least your success is assured. Lawsuits could also turn out in your favour.

But if these east-facing houses were to have the entrance in the southeast, illnesses are indicated in the family. Businessmen might be subjected to sudden losses. It is advisable, therefore, to avoid this direction.

If the building is facing south, the main entrance should be located in, what is commonly known in Vaasthu parlance as the junction of fire, the southeast corner. Name, fame and material riches will follow you, and you will also have the friendship of influential pals. Women could face some minor health problems, but not of a serious nature. An entrance at this corner could be termed as one that will solve all financial problems. A happy family life is indicated for women, especially. The unmarried woman could expect all obstacles in the way of marriage to be removed, and wed an understanding man. Neither would she encounter any problems in her husband’s house.

Well, if it were not possible to locate the main entrance in the southeastern corner, would it suffice to have it in the centre of the south-facing house? The results may not be great, but neither could they be termed as disastrous. An average life is indicated. The present generation could expect to live an unspectacular life. It would however give them a sense of satisfaction and bestow long life on the older members of the household. It could be termed as an entrance that helps longevity. On the negative side, it could create friction among the female members of the family and entail hospitalisation. Expenditure will match income, leaving little or nothing to save.

Well, what if it is not possible to put up the main door at the centre either, for a south-facing house? What if an entrance could be located only in the southwestern direction?

According to the principles of Vaasthu, the main entrance on the southwest, for a south-facing house, could be termed a disastrous location. Debts, lawsuits, friends turning foes, women being afflicted by bad spirits, squabbles between husband and wife, evil and undesirable friendships could all be expected from such a location. You could also incur the wrath of elders. Traditionally, since the south is normally associated with women, an entrance on the southwest would be particularly bad for them.

To sum up, it could be said that while the southeast corner could be termed as most propitious for the main entrance of the south-facing house, its location at the centre would yield average returns. And, as indicated above, the main entrance at the southwest junction would be downright disastrous.

West-facing houses

Compared to the other directions, houses, with their main entrance facing the west, provide little comfort to their occupants. It is also a general fact that these Vaasthu-flawed houses—that too with the main entrance on the southwestern side—are mostly occupied by those whose fortunes are at a low ebb, or by those with defective horoscopes.




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Posted by on May 27 2011. Filed under English, Photo Gallery, Vaasthu, Vaasthu. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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