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தலைப்புச் செய்தி :

Aishwarya Rai`s Horoscope

For Astrology Consultation Contact: Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau.

Phone Number: 98411 64648, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Chennai, April 10: Date of birth: 1.11.1973. At present Ms. Rai is passing through Rahu dasa-Guru budhi till 05.09.2012

She was born in Sagittarius rasi in the Virgo Lagna. Does her horoscope reflect her celebrity status? Well, let us see.

Normally, a world celebrity status is on the cards, when Saturn is in the Tenth house or aspecting it. Mercury, her Lagnadhipathi, is in the Third house. The Third house is considered the house of courage and fame. Since Mercury is occupying this house, aspected by Mars, she has developed self-confidence and the will to achieve what she wants. It was precisely because of these factors that she was crowned Miss World, and then fought her way to the top of the entertainment world.

A person is said to be afflicted with Mangal dosham, that is, a debilitated Mars, when Mars is in the Second, Fourth, Seventh, Eighth or Twelfth  houses. However, this dosham does not afflict Ms. Rai. The reason: Mars is sitting in his own house, in Aries.

Sun sitting in the Vak sthanam (Second House), the domain of speech, is okay, for Ms. Rai is able to win over others with her speech and manners. This factor becomes important since the Twelfth house native is debilitated.

Sun Sitting Secound house, That house is not strength for sun. Venus is sitting in his native Fourth house, along with Moon and Rahu.  Despite a weak Sun, Venus, on the ascendant, has helped her to achieve what is known as Neechabanga Raja yogam. This was instrumental in her being crowned Miss World.

Generally, weak grahas can pave the way for fame and fortunes. People with such horoscopes are assured of fame and wealth till the end.

Another factor contributing to the Neechabanga Rajayogam in Ms. Rai’s horoscope is that a debilitated Capricorn Jupiter is in the Fifth House, while Saturn, its native, is in the Tenth house.

 Will she have kids?

Ms. Rai will have to be patient when it comes to having kids. Since a debilitated Jupiter is occupying the house meant for kids, and since Saturn, the native of that house, is in the Tenth house, the neechabanga yoga will ensure that she has issue. However, Ms. Rai will go through a period of stress, since Moon and Rahu are in combination and Saturn and Kethu aspect Moon and Rahu.  She might even harbour thoughts of becoming a religious recluse.

At present, Ms. Rai is passing through the Rahu dasa and Jupiter bhudhi which augurs well for her. Since Rahu is in the Janmasthana, she will always be plagued by problems. She must guard against ticklish situations.

The so-called marriage-planets, Venus and Rahu, are in combination. This could pose some problems. Still, a debilitated Jupiter sitting in a house, which neutralises this weakness (neechabangam), ensures that difference of opinions does not mar the marital relationship.

However, at the moment, she must guard against Rahu, who is in the janmasthan. She must look after her health, and exercise caution over what she does.

It is essential that Ms. Rai worships Goddess Durga. Jupiter transits to the Fifth house, regarded as the panchamasthanam, in May. She can be assured of success (yogam) in her career during this period.

Still, we would like to reiterate that she must be careful with janma Rahu and look after her health. That apart, Ms. Rai’s horoscope is what we would call a yoga jathakam, that is, a lucky horoscope.

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For Astrology Consultation Contact: Astrologer, Sri Durga Devi upasakar, V.G.Krishnarau.

Phone Number: 98411 64648, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

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Posted by on Apr 10 2011. Filed under Astrology, Astrology, Bhakthi planet, English, Home Page special. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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