Tuesday 25th February 2025

தலைப்புச் செய்தி :



It dates back to the storeages. When man started to choose a place for living, he started to think about the suitability of that place and with divine grace he was able to choose the most suitable place for him to live.

This art is a timetested one. Till some decades back, only the architects knew these details and they constructed the houses with the kitchen the eastern side. This was mainly because this would enable get maximum radiation from the sun’s rays, which is very good for health.

It would also be remembered that even here, good radiation and bad radiation are to be distinguished.

For example it is ideal to go for a walk in the early morning, but not so in the hot sun. though the body does the same exercise and receives energy from the same sun, the effects are different. Similarly there are different effects for different locations of the kitchen.

Those who have the kitchen in the southwestern part get the maximum beaefits, those with their kitchen on the east come next and and those with the kitchen on the nort east follow then slowly people started loosing faith in this Saastra and people started constructing houses as per their conveniences. By sheer luck some were benefited and some were not.

These were only due to wrong approach and not due to the Saastras. All of us use the same type of computers – but some know better then others. We know it is not proper for us to blame the computer for the lack of our knowledge.

There is a verse in ‘Manaiyadi Saastra’ which says that if you have your kitchen on the North Eastern side, you get a Royal life and you would be very wealthy. There are many verses which give us a lot of similar informations. Nobody is forced to accept all these. Some people have done extensive research and corrected/rewarded some portions. It is believed that even ‘Mayan’ the lord of architecture had mentioned that the kitchen has to be in the North East. Some people do suffer because of there and sometimes without realizing the mistakes they suggestion are passed on for others.

The following lines would give a brief account of the different benefits that one would get due to the position/construction of kitchen in the house.

North east: this is the ‘ESANYA’ corner. I have already mentioned about the benefits of the location of kitchen here. This is the place for Goddess Mahalakshmi and some people say, it is the place of Goddess ‘Ganga’. Hence they say it is suited for water and not for kitchen. They say, that just as the water boils, when placed on fire (Agni) the financial status of the family would be in affected. The men in the house may not study well and similar bad effects may result. Though some people say that they have been benefited by this, I feel it is not correct.

Eastern centre: Though this may not pose as many problems as ‘North Eastern Kitchen’, this also is not desirable. Since one side would be facing the North east and the other would be facing the south east, the benefits would be oscillating.

South East: This is the best place for kitchen the other has to be placed on the south eastern portion. The tap has to be on the north eastern side. The tap should never be placed on the south eastern side as that may lead to health problems and difference of opinion. We can also now see the specific effects of positioning the kitchen in south cast and north west.

If the kitchen is in the south east, the family is united, people get proper jobs as per their educational qualifications, business men never face disastrous, heavy losses etc., if the kitchen is in the north western direction, the expectations of people in that house are fulfilled and people would buy their own house.

They aware a lot of luxury articles, then profession improves and the benefits are endless; but they may have some problems related to sudden accidents and the consequential treatment. However this would not prove to be fatal.

If the kitchen cannot be placed in the southeast, the only other option is northwest.

Suppose you are not able to shift your kitchen, the following small changes could be done in the kitchen.

The platform (“Medai”) should be on the south east corner and the tap should be on the north eastern corner. It is better if the oven is facing the eastern direction.

Suppose the platform is facing the north, the oven should not be on the centre or the north eastern corner but only on the “Vaayu” corner the north western corner. Suppose the platform is facing the west, the southwestern corner and the centre must be avoided and the oven to be placed on the north western corner.

It is never advisable to cook facing the south. Compared to other positions, if the kitchen is situated on the southwest, the bad effects are more; if it is possible it is better to change. Otherwise the oven should be shifted to the “Vaayu” corner (North west) or the “Agni” corner (South east).

People who have their kitchens located in such undesirable places, can feed poor children atleast once a month and distribute sweets in nearby temples. (shiva or Vishnu temples). By doing so, they would invoke the blessings of Goddess Annalakshmi and because of this they would not suffer.

The following are a few general tips. There must atleast be a small quantity of food at home during the night. The kitchen is the most important room as per Vaasthu Saastra. Hence if this is ideally located as per the Saastras, the family will flourish for ever.♦



Vijay KrisshnaRau,

Vaasthu Consultant

(M) 98411 64648 / 98406 75946

E-Mail: vijaykrisshnarau@yahoo.in

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Posted by on Mar 24 2011. Filed under Home Page special, Photo Gallery, Vaasthu, Vaasthu. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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