Monday 24th February 2025

தலைப்புச் செய்தி :


Vijay KrisshnaRau


However rich a man may be, however popular a man may be, there is one factor which controls all his activities ultimately. If is his huger-which has to be satisfied by hook or crook. We believe that the almighty has given a special and specific power to each living being. Such being the case, it can strongly be believed that the food that we eat is vested with a lot of powers. It is often said that whoever cooks the food must do so with positive thoughts and a happy mood. Food cooked with  sad feelings and sorrowful thoughts often give us bad consequences. Saasthraas call this “Anna Dosham”. Such being the importance given to the food we eat, it is needless to say that the place where food is cooked – the kitchen of the house, is the most important room in the house.

Vaastu saastra explains the importance of this. There are different lords for the for the four different directions and for the four different corners in every house. For the North East it is the ESANYAN, South east is ruled by AGNIDEVA, the North West by VAYU DEVA and the South West by NRUTHIDEVA.

These very Lords indicate, the most suitable place for the kitchen in the house – yes – it is the South eastern part which is ruled by AGNIDEVA.

Houses facing the east, north or west can choose the south eastern corner for their kitchen. However it may not be possible for a south facing house. It may be attempted in an independent house, but it is not at all possible in a flat.

Even if it is designed that way, there is every possibility that the main entrance is not properly located (Dosham). So the question now is, generally if it is not possible to have the kitchen in the southwestern corner, which is the next  best place. Vaasthu saastra says it as North western corner.

However the kitchens located in these two different places have different properties and have some specific specialities too. The special powers of the kitchen in the southeastern corner will not be available in the kitchen in the north western part and vice – versa. Before we go into the details, it has to be understood that the Vaasthu Saastra or the “Manaiyadi Saastra” is not a new concept.

Continue on 23.03.11


Vijay KrisshnaRau,

Vaasthu Consultant

(M) 98411 64648 / 98406 75946




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Posted by on Mar 20 2011. Filed under Bhakthi planet, English, Vaasthu, Vaasthu. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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